Ring Frame: Objectives,Functions,Faults and Recent development

Ring frame: Ring frame is a special type of machine that gives final draft of the roving and makes the desired quality of yarn.

Objectives of Ring frame:

  • Attenuating roving by drafting to form yarn.
  • To insert amount of twist to the fibers to hold the fiber.
  • To wind the yarn on to the bobbin.
  • For building a bobbin in such a way that will facilitate handling as well as the subsequent process.
  • To spin desire quality of yarn finally.
  • To improve the strength of the fiber strand.
  • Figure: Ring frame

Main function of Ring frame:

1. Creeling: Creeling is the process introduced to drafting zone to form the can manually. This process applies small amount of draft to the drawn sliver.

2. Drafting: Drafting is the process used to reducing weight per unit length of the roving.

3. Twisting: To make turn within the fiber of the draft material to hold them together. The quantity of twist is very little.

4. Winding: The process of winding the roving on to a bobbin is called winding. This bobbin is fed the ring frame.

5. Building: By this process, the roving is wound in the full length of the bobbin in such a form that will facilitate handling transfer & feeding the ring frame.

6. Doffing: Doffing is to replace an empty bobbin at the place of the fully wound bobbin.

Types of ring frame wastage (2-3%):

There are two types of ring frame wastage.

  1. Useable wastage
  2. Unusable wastage.

1. Useable wastage

  • Pneumafil wastage
  • Roving wastage

2. Unusable wastage

  • Hard wastage
  • Wool roller wastage
  • Sweeping wastage

Causes of ends breakage:

Causes of end breakage mainly four reason:

  1. Because of roving fault
  2. Due to machine setting & maintenance
  3. On account of improper process parameter
  4. Due to climatic conditions of the spinning room.

Roving fault

  • Due to higher twist multiplyer
  • Due to low break draft

Machine setting & maintenance:

  • Vibrating or out centered spindle
  • Defective ring bobbin
  • Traveler’s replacement interval time
  • Traveler flying out
  • Torn apron
  • Faulty cradle
  • Improper top arm pressure
  • Burnt traveler

Improper process parameters:

  • Incorrect spacer size
  • Lower top arm load than required
  • Balloon collision
  • Bigger bobbin size
  • Lower twist multiplyer

Climatic condition of spinning room:

  • High temperature causes end breakages
  • Higher relative humidity causes end breakages
  • Lower relative humidity cause drafting problems between rollers.

Limitation of Ring frame:

  1. Traveler speed: Traveler speed is not enough. Its maximum speed is about 50 m/sec.
  2. Delivery speed: High delivery speed creates problems for placing.
  3. Yarn tension: Due to increase of the machine speed balloon increases on the bobbin size. Therefore, yarn tension is increased and ends breakage rate is increased.
  4. Power consumption: Power consumption after a certain speed. It does not suitable economically.
  5. Limitation of drafting system: Drafting zone cannot control fiber perfectly due to higher roller speed. Therefore, it will produce irregular yarn. It causes ends breakage.

Recent development of Ring frame:

  1. Automation in ring frame.
  2. Automatic doffing system can occur.
  3. Automatic drafting system can occur.
  4. It can do automatic data collection.
  5. High spindle gauge. (41mm, 43mm)
  6. Drafting ring is high up to 200.
  7. Direct to ply yarn-spinning system.
  8. Lubricated balloon can control ring.
  9. Development in construction of spindle ring traveler.

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